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Super tough? How to remove super glue from car paint

You’ll need to know how to remove super glue from car paint if you use this strong adhesive on your car or are replacing parts that have been attached with super glue.

How to remove super glue from car paint

In most cases, you will have to apply acetone to remove super glue from car paint. Work carefully because acetone is also a paint remover.

Get your materials. You need a solvent containing acetone (like nail polish remover), water, hand cream, dish soap, and a cloth.

Safety comes first! Wear gloves to protect your hands and work in a well-ventilated area with no flames (acetone is very flammable).

Soak the glue. Wash the area and soak it in warm water using a wet rag. Then apply a mixture of dish soap and hand cream. This may be your best bet for removing the glue without removing paint.

Apply acetone. Pour some of the solvent onto your cloth, then rub it gently against the affected area to remove super glue from car paint. The acetone will soften the adhesive quickly, so check often to make sure you are not overapplying your solvent.

Repaint or re-wax, if necessary. If your paint does get damaged, you need to repaint that area. There is a good chance the acetone will damage the car’s wax, so plan on re-waxing the treated surface.

How to remove super glue from car dashboards

The procedure for removing super glue from car dashboards is similar to the one described above.

Gather what you need. The most important items are a solvent with acetone (like nail polish remover) and a cloth.

Stay safe! Wear gloves to protect your hands and open the car doors or windows. Also make sure there is no source of flame (acetone is flammable).

Test it out. Acetone can discolor surfaces. Test it on an inconspicuous spot before beginning.

Apply acetone. Pour it onto your cloth and rub it gently against the affected area to remove the super glue from the car dashboard. Acetone works quickly, so you should frequently check to see whether the glue is gone.

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