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LOCTITE Renovate

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  • loctite power grab tub surround 9oz cartridge
    Loctite Power Grab Tub Surround

    Installing plastic tub surround units without burn-through and unsightly etching.

  • Loctite Plumber & Marine Clear Adhesive

    Provides watertight seal for leaks & tears in high moisture areas

  • loctite pl premium max 9oz cartridge
    Loctite PL Max Landscape

    Loctite PL MAX Landscape Adhesive is a new & improved hybrid formula, specifically for use in exterior landscaping projects.

  • loctite pl 400 subfloor allweather 10oz cartridge
    Loctite PL400 All Weather Subfloor

    Specially designed for heavy-duty subfloor construction projects, both indoors and out.

  • Loctite Super Glue Pen

    Single drop dispensing. Compact Pen-style applicator for easy storage.

  • loctite super glue ultra gel control 4g tube
    Loctite Super Glue Ultra Gel Control

    Super-tough, durable bonds that resist weather, impact, shock and vibration.

  • loctite spray adhesive multi purpose 11oz can
    Loctite Spray Adhesive Multi-Purpose

    Crafting projects, no bleed through on photos.

  • loctite power grab ultimate crystal clear 3oz tube
    Loctite Power Grab Ultimate Crystal Clear

    Works in all conditions and dries crystal clear

  • Loctite Clear Epoxy

    Transparent repairs, jobs that require invisible seams or color matching.

  • Loctite Glass Glue

    Bonding clear and colored, stained or tinted glass instantly. Dishwasher safe once cured.

  • Loctite PL Max Mirror, Marble, and Granite

    Loctite PL MAX Mirror, Marble and Granite Adhesive is a new & improved hybrid formula, specifically for use in general kitchen and bath applications.

  • Loctite Ultra Gel Mini Bulk FOP2
    Loctite Super Glue Gel Mini Tubes

    Projects and repairs requiring precision alignment of pieces. Formula gives more time to align.

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