Get a clear view with car mirror glue

If your vehicle’s side mirror has broken, you can replace it using car mirror glue. This guide will help you choose and use the best glue for car mirrors.

The best glue for your car mirror

The best car mirror glue for your project depends on the materials you need to bond. To find out what they are, examine the back of the mirror and the recess in the mirror housing where you will install the mirror.

You can use some epoxy glues for car side mirror repairs. For example, Loctite Epoxy Gel is suitable for outdoor and vertical applications and creates strong, impact-resistant bonds with several materials you find on vehicles, including metal and many rigid plastics. Epoxies are suited for repairing mirror housings.

Many experts recommend using an automotive silicone mirror adhesive for the actual mirror repair. Silicone adhesives often double as sealants and remain elastic. They also demonstrate excellent resistance to moisture and weathering, making them good car mirror glues. Bear in mind that glue for car side mirrors needs to be weatherproof, so make sure your car mirror glue is not formulated for indoor purposes only.

Using car mirror glue properly

Gather your tools. In addition to a replacement mirror and glue for car side mirrors, you need 

  • a bucket for gathering broken pieces,
  • some masking tape,
  • a heat gun if you want to warm existing car mirror glue. 

Remember your safety goggles and gloves to protect yourself from sharp edges and small pieces.

When applying heat to adhesives it softens them, so heating the mirror housing makes it easier to remove pieces of the mirror.

Remove the mirror. Wearing protective gear, remove the mirror from the casing. You can use a large, flat-head screwdriver to carefully pry out pieces and avoid damaging the mirror housing.

Apply car mirror glue. Apply the car mirror glue to the back of the mirror half an inch from each tip and reinstall the mirror. Once it is in place, wipe away any overflowing glue with a wet rag.

Keep it there. Read the manufacturer’s instructions to find out your car mirror glue’s cure time. Wrap the mirror in place using making tape so it does not slide while curing.

Clean-up. Look for any stray pieces of mirror and pick them up.

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